
CTP computer to plate(電腦製版)
DTP desktop publishing(桌面出版)
POD print on demand(隨需印刷)
BOD books on demand(數位出版)
OEM original equipment manufacturer(代工)
ODM original design manufacturer(原廠委託製造)
OBM original brand manufacturer(自有品牌生產)
EMS electronic manufacturing services(電子專業製造服務)
ERP enterprise resource planning(企業資源規劃)
MOU memorandum of understanding(合作備忘錄)
RFQ request for quotation(詢價單)
MIS management information system(資訊管理系統)
CMS content management system(內容管理系統)
CIM computer-integrated manufacturing(電腦整合製造)
POS point of sale(銷售時點情報系統)
SPA specialty retailer of private label apparel(自有品牌服飾專賣)
ESL electronic shelf labels(電子貨架標籤)
ToF time of flight(飛時測距)
CS customer segments(目標客層)
SP sales promotion(促銷)
M&A merger & acquisition(併購)
NDA non-disclosure agreement(保密協議)
CTA call to action(行動呼籲)
CVR conversion rate(轉換率)
CPC cost per click(每次點擊成本)
CPM cost per mille/1000 impression(每千次曝光成本)
CPA cost per action(每次行動成本)
CPL cost per lead(每筆名單成本)
CPS cost per sale(每筆銷售成本)
PPC pay per click(廣告類型:每次點擊付費)
PPM pay per impression(廣告類型:每千次曝光付費)
PPA pay per action(廣告類型:每次行動付費)
PV page view(頁面瀏覽量)
UV unique visitor(獨立訪客)
OID object identifier(物件識別碼)
GDN google display network(多媒體廣告聯播網)
KPI key performance indicators(關鍵績效指標)
FOMO fear of missing out(錯失恐懼症)
O2O online to offline(虛實整合)
OMO online merge offline(虛實融合)
IaaS infrastructure as a service(基礎設施即服務)
PaaS platform as a service(平台及服務)
SaaS software as a service(軟體即服務)
HMD head-mounted display(頭戴顯示器)
LBS location-based service(適地性服務)
SNS social networking service(社群網路服務)
API application programming interface(應用程式介面)
VC venture capital(創投)
HR human resource(人資部門)
RD research and development(研發部門)
PR public relation(公關部門)
OA office automation(辦公自動化)
WFH work from home(在家工作)
SES socioeconomic status(社經地位)
4P 行銷組合(產品、價格、通路、促銷)
division 事業部
board members 董事會委員
mind share 心佔率


    職場技能 職場字彙
    創作者 Haruo Wang 的頭像
    Haruo Wang


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